I truly believe it takes a village to nurture parents and infants during the most important time of their lives. Born and raised in the Midwest, it was routine that community women surrounded expecting mothers, showering them with help during and after their pregnancies. In those first several months, newborns had many surrogate “aunties” who would stop by with meals, a couple hours of cuddling to give mom a chance to nap, or the extra set of hands to get ahead on dishes and laundry.

As I grew up I understood this was very rare for the modern day. The village does not exist as it once did; many women have careers that keep them out of their house and not easily available to help a fellow mother. This is where I sought to fill a gap by providing the same village-member care to families.

My career as a doula naturally led me to pursue advanced education in human lactation and infant feeding as well as to work as an RN in Labor and Delivery and Postpartum units. Now, I bring the combination of my decades-long experience to the comfort of your home.